Charlie Baker’s coronavirus brags ring hollow

Howie Carr, August 2, 2020

What exactly is Gov. Charlie Baker bragging about?

Over the past few days, when not threatening partygoers, the man Joe Biden calls “Charlie Parker” has been endlessly patting himself on the back about “our success so far” and how the peons must continue “doing the things that got us to the point we’re at today.”

What point are we actually at in Massachusetts? Let’s look at what Tall Deval likes to call “the data.”

Death rate per 100,000: 125, third-worst in the nation, behind only New York and New Jersey. Unemployment rate: 17.4%, the worst in the nation. Number of Massachusetts residents who have filed for unemployment since March 15: 1,144,983.

That’s the point we’re at. Why is this man smiling?

Charlie Baker is leading … us right down the drain.

“People in Massachusetts,” he bragged on Thursday, “have worked exceptionally hard over the past several months to get to this point.”

If these catastrophic numbers are the product of his “exceptionally hard” work, perhaps he would be better off taking the rest of the summer off — you know, the way he says the virus won’t.

The problem for Charlie Parker is the same one that eventually topples all cult leaders and other assorted charlatans. You can only yell “the sky is falling!” so many times before your sheeple start looking … skyward.

This is a big weekend for Tall Deval. His new travel ban has gone into effect. This should do wonders for what’s left of the summer tourist season. “The travel-form website has had over a million hits,” he was boasting Friday. “And 8,000 people have so far filled out the form.”

As for the other 992,000 — most of them just made a mental note of how deranged the Commonwealth of Maskachusetts has become.

Of course, we’re all in this together, and don’t you forget it, if you know what’s good for you.

You must understand, Charlie Parker is suffering along with everyone else. Why, down in New Bedford, he whined Friday, they’ve canceled “the Blessed Feast of the Sacrament, which is one of our all-time favorite events.”

Fascinating, governor. It’s actually the Feast of the Blessed Sacrament. You don’t even know its name, but it’s one of your all-time favorite events, you damned heathen.

But mostly, Charlie Parker is angry. It’s another problem all cult leaders have — eventually those suffering under the jackboot figure out the grift. In this case, it’s all in his own data, which says that among people under the age of 20, the death rate in Massachusetts is zero. That’s right, zero.

Among state residents between 20 and 29, the death rate is 2 per 100,000. Among those 30-39, it’s 4 per 100,000. These are Tall Deval’s own numbers, and they put the lie to his apocalyptic rhetoric.

At some point, as the Beastie Boys would say, you gotta fight for your right to party.

But under Tall Deval, fun is verboten in Maskachusetts. Only he doesn’t call it “fun,” he calls it “private recreational behavior.”

That recent kegger in Chatham, the graduation event in Chelmsford, the booze cruise in Boston Harbor, the football camp in South Weymouth, the lifeguard party in Falmouth, the prom in Cohasset — Tall Deval is making a list and he’s checking it twice.

He recited them all on Friday, his shrill voice rising with contempt and exasperation over his subjects’ failure to follow his nonnegotiable orders.

All these “troubling clusters,” as he calls parties, will be investigated by the Department of Public Health, which knows a lot about “clusters” — like the 38,000 criminal drug tests they falsified at the state labs in Jamaica Plain and Amherst.

Law-abiding citizens are endlessly lectured about “compliance” and “vigilance” and “respect” and “observing the sector guidance.”

Of course, if you want to riot and loot — no problem. The thugs who trashed Boston in early June, those “folks” got no harangues from Tall Deval, only a pat on the back. They weren’t looting, you see, they were participating in “large gatherings.”

“In many cases,” he said in June of the looters, “they were moving, which I think is a big difference and of course they all took place outside which we all agree is a far safer environment than indoors.”

If you have a party, it “dramatically increases” the chances of a “troubling cluster.” Rioting on the other hand — Tall Deval describes that as “congregating in large groups to exercise their First Amendment rights.”

So here’s the deal: If you want to party and your name isn’t Polito, just put up a few anti-police signs in your front yard, scatter some broken glass in the driveway and throw down some high-end shoe and Rolex watch boxes — that way, Charlie Parker’s Mask Gestapo will know that you are undocumented shoppers who are allowed to hold “large gatherings.”

Some final statistics: fatalities due to the above-mentioned “private recreational behavior” denounced by the governor on Friday: zero.

Fatalities in the nursing homes which were supposed to be regulated by Gov. Charlie Parker’s state government: 5,486 (of 8,389 overall deaths in Massachusetts).

You want to know what a “recipe for disaster” is in Massachusetts? It’s putting Tall Deval in charge of anything.

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Comparison: $89 million vs. $163 million

Brookline’s Coolidge Corner School, which the young Kennedy family attended, was recently rebuilt very attractively for only $89 million while Weymouth wants to spend $163 million+ for a new Chapman Middle School. It doesn’t make sense to strap Weymouth taxpayers with $240 million in debt service at $8 million a year for 30 years while the town has other pressing needs.

I’ve been distributing override information door-to-door and see first-hand every day the deplorable condition of our streets, sidewalks and curbing throughout every section of town. The fairytale about a new school increasing property values will only bring higher taxes. People should fix up and enjoy their homes if they want substantially increased values.

At four percent annually, property taxes will double in less than 18 years. At three percent it’ll take 23 years. Coupled with the administration-stated override cost of $260 a year for a property valued at $400,000 with a current tax bill of $4,848 that will double in 17 to 23 years, it’s going to be a backbreaker not considering nominal appreciation.

It also makes no sense to borrow any money when Sithe Energy’s Tax Incentive Financing Plan will soon yield between $4-6 million in revenues annually.


Coolidge link:

From Town Council Minutes, Measure 11-126 (2011) Establishment of an OPEB Liability Trust Fund

“(Former) CFO McKinney stated he has attached MGL Section 20 of Chapter 32B as far as what needs to be done to establish an OPEB liability Fund.  As was mentioned during the audit of FY10, our OPEB Liability as of January 1, 2007 is: the actuarial accrued liabilities $195M, zero money to offset that liability.

It is currently mandated that we fund our pension over the next 25-30 years, but unfortunately health insurance costs are going to cost more than our pension because the current split it is unsustainable.” (un·sus·tain·a·ble ––not able to be maintained at the current rate or level––upsetting the balance by depleting resources––not able to be upheld or defended).  “We need to begin to set some money aside because eventually the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) is going to require us to fund that.”

It is now March of 2019 and a Prop 2-1/2 tax override of unknown proportion is on the horizon.

A more current Actuarial Report stated that the Town owed more than $236 million to fund health benefits (OPEB) for retired Town employees and has set aside less than $2 or $3 million. That debt was never approved by the voters. Couple to that the Town borrowed $11 Million for new playing fields and $33 million for the “new” Tufts Library and now wants to borrow at least $99 million (figures vary day by day depending on Ted and Lisa’s grand scheme) for a new Chapman School to be funded by a Prop 2-1/2 override for 15, 20, 25 or maybe 30 years at an unknown bond rate. It’s like Nancy Pelosi who said, “We have to pass ObamaCare before we read it.”

The linchpin is that the state MAY contribute up to $54 million if it’s built using its criteria, i. e., increased in size and overbuilt with amenities that have nothing to do with “education” per se, just like increasing the size of Tufts Library by 50 percent in order to receive “up to” $12.4 million from the state. The interest for the library is $19 million for the $21 million the Town borrowed plus the state grant of up to $12.4 million equals $52.4 million, which does not include furniture, landscaping, parking lot paving and more computers. Are you seeing the bigger picture now?

The Town has gone so far as to say that it would consider increasing the over-70 tax exemption from $500 to $1,000 for seniors on limited incomes with limited resources, but that it’s not guaranteed, it’s only to buy their vote or to keep them from the polls to vote NO because they can’t afford higher taxes. If that were to legally pass (it is state law, MGL c. 59, §5), who then makes up the difference? I would venture to say that all the young whippersnappers are going to have to pick up the slack.

Increasing the senior exemption is a lie so all the whippersnappers can lay their keppies in peace.

I say build the new school, but without state interference or bribery. Who knows, maybe the Titanic at UnionPoint will start paying what they owe the Town, but don’t hold your breath.


In February 2019, the YES FOR A NEW CHAPMAN Ballot Committee was established to lead the most exciting movement the Town of Weymouth has ever seen: A MASSIVE TAX HIKE BOWEL MOVEMENT.

The Committee is comprised of a diverse group of Weymouth community MOONBAT leaders, parents, students, friends, tax-payers, HEDSHOT SHILLS and business owners who have set out to secure 7,000 “YES” votes to support a new Chapman Middle School.  Our ultimate goal – to win (LIKE IN CHARLIE SHEEN?) a debt-exclusion vote in order to fund the building of a new Chapman Middle School – will not be easy to achieve. In order to reach Weymouth voters, we will need financial support and an army of dedicated volunteers spanning all ages, demographics, and political affiliations.  AND WE WILL HAVE TO REMEMBER TO LIE TO EVERYONE THE ENTIRE TIME.

Join our MASSIVE BOWEL movement today and help secure a strong future (of MASSIVE DEBT) for our children and our Town.  SO IT’S NOT JUST FOR THE CHILREN (SIC) … ???

When you vote “YES” for Weymouth’s first-ever debt-exclusion, besides throwing your money away, you’re not only voting to build a new Chapman Middle School, you’re also:


  • A YES vote is the only way to secure over $54,000,000 (ACTUALLY “UP TO”, MAYBE) in reimbursement funds from the State, WHICH TOOK THE MONEY FROM US IN THE FIRST PLACE
  • It is projected that constructing a new school will cost less than bringing the current Chapman building up to code IF WE LEAVE OUT ALL THE BULLSHIT GOODIES LISTED BELOW, WHICH WERE MANDATED BY THE STATE IN ORDER FOR IT TO GIVE US BACK OUR MONEY
  • The new Chapman building will cost significantly less to maintain than the current building; THUS, MAINTENANCE PEOPLE WILL BE ABLE TO TAKE LONGER NAPS ON THE TAXPAYER DIME

Voting to Invest in Weymouth’s Growing Future GROWING DEBT

  • The new Chapman building will include industry-leading security features designed to keep Weymouth’s children safe throughout the school day (ARMED MOMMIES OR LOCKED DOORS?)
  • The new Chapman building will include 21stcentury educational and technological improvements WOO HOO, HOO, THE KIDS ARE ALREADY SMARTER THAN THAT
  • The new Chapman building will draw young families to Weymouth Public Schools and increase the Town’s tax base WHILE AT THE SAME TIME COSTING THE TOWN OVER $12,000 A YEAR, EACH, FOR A NET LOSS OF ± $20-25,000 A YEAR, PER 2-CHILD HOUSEHOLD, TO EDUCATE THEIR PRECIOUS LITTLE DARLINGS

Voting to Build a Stronger Weymouth

  • The new Chapman building will have a new auditorium that can be used for community performances and competitions OH, SO NOT JUST A NEEDED EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT?
  • The new Chapman building will have renovated gymnasium facilities that can be used for community athletic leagues OH, SO NOT JUST A NEEDED EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT?
  • The new Chapman building will be able to house wraparound health services for Weymouth students and familiesOH, SO NOT JUST A NEEDED EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT?
  • Weymouth families will be able to enjoy two outdoor play areas, a walking path, and fitness stations on the campus of the new Chapman buildingNOT JUST AN EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT?
  • The new Chapman building will have ample community meeting space available for reservation outside of the school dayOH, SO NOT JUST A NEEDED EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT?




Don’t bet on it yet, bob and teddy bear. Smoke a joint instead, dreamers.

medical marijuana coming soon

Since old bobby got cut off from flipping real estate by this writer, he now needs new ways to make money on the backs of the taxpayers of Weymouth.

Attached is a copy of the measure that, if voted, would take place on the next terms of the elected and appointed officials who really care about the people so much that they are going to get everything they can, while they can.

Once the teachers see this raise, all hell will break loose.

salary measure

Here’s my response: go out and get a job in the private sector.

By Watchdog-Curmudgeon Bob Montgomery Thomas

For those who recollect the good old town meeting days, whenever our schools wanted to spend more money, with no guaranteed results mind you, there was an older insurance salesman who’d always rise imploring, “It’s for the children”. Town meetings were never complete without his exhortation and the laughter following.

Now, non-resident/mayoral chief of staff Ted Langill of Peach Street in Braintree, when he is not otherwise out romancing the stone as the Lord of the Rings; who also chairs the school building committee, is saying “If you build it, they will come” regarding the plan to spend upwards of $200 million for a “newly remodeled” Chapman School that will be so spiffy folks from other towns and villages will want to shop in Weymouth to spend their hard-earned money. His words, not mine…

He, or they, even went so far as to purchase or lease a number of laptops and had large placards made that were set up at the polling places on November 6 to present his and the administration’s idea on how to spend even more taxpayer dollars with no guaranteed results. There are those lemmings who like to say the mayor has paved a number of streets, but that money was allocated during the Kay administration, so all hizzoner is doing is, as is his usual wont: taking credit for the effort of others.

The school premise is that the state will reimburse up to $60 million leaving just $140 million for the taxpayers to pick up via an override the administration is hoping town council will put on the ballot this spring. Spread out over 10 years, that means the average tax bill will climb an extra $780 a year, which doesn’t include the borrowing costs. So like the “new” Tufts Library (that no one demanded), they’ll probably bond a 20-year note and that extra $780 a year will be on the books for 20 years. That’s a 25 percent yearly increase plus a few more percentage points for the $200 million in “new growth” and regular 2.5 to 4 percent yearly increases.

My figures come from the town borrowing $21.5 million for Tufts and interest of $19.5 million for a total of $41 million–almost double the loan–for a new library that will be as unused as the one it’s replacing. The state is kicking in $12.1 million for a total of $53.1 million, which doesn’t include furniture, landscaping, parking lot preparation and paving or “new” re-used computers that will access the Internet via the failed Wi-Fi system currently in use. My final projection is $58 million squandered taxpayer dollars, roughly $3 million a year down the toilet.

The administration argues that the state is providing $12.1 million, but where does the state get its money from, Saturday Night Live’s Church Lady’s “Satan” or from taxpayers?

Langill, it seems, is the administration’s Master of Absurdity who thinks taxpayers’ pockets are ripe enough for him to pick and frivolously spend taxpayer money on bond notes. He did it with the “new” library when he said at a town council meeting where the plan was challenged by yours truly that, paraphrasing; ‘borrowing was the way to go’. He never told the council how much the bond cost was until this writer forced the issue and finally got an answer several months after the council’s commitment.

The town had already borrowed $11 million for new playing fields so why not borrow more, especially if one is not a resident or taxpayer like Langill. That begs the question as to how a non-resident gets to chair a town committee suggesting ways to rifle the pockets of seniors who are, in many cases, barely getting by.

Langill recently admonished the Weymouth News for its screed on Facebook, without stating an opinion either way, regarding the “possibility” of a spring override, saying the News “did the town a disservice”. Those of us in the know knew months ago that $200 million was going to be the price and that an override would be requested. If anyone should be admonished it’s Langill, who is constantly being caught dealing from the bottom of the deck; mortgaging the meager means of worried seniors and the futures of the children he and his boss purportedly champion.


“We also want the new Chapman to serve the community and provide opportunity to Weymouth’s civic, sport and cultural groups, and bring more visitors to Weymouth to support our local businesses and economy,” (Langill) stated to the Weymouth News and Patriot Ledger.

Major Rumpswab

by Bob Monty

October 29, 2018

It’s interesting that there’s a great deal of hue and cry over what developer Ken Ryder allegedly owes the town in taxes for 4.61 acres on landlocked, waterlogged property on Tamburlane Road. Ryder said he agreed with a former conservation administrator to turn the land over to the town in 1997, but the town never took possession. The land is by no means buildable or of any use to a developer; even one who can walk on water.

Ryder recently agreed with Weymouth’s “law-abiding” mayor to turn over the land plus another parcel of 1.8 acres in the Idlewell neighborhood where Ryder originally intended to build 14 homes pursuant to-then in place zoning regulations. However neighbors, spurred by the efforts of a backstabbing, ever-so-gutless, former District 2 Councilor, TJ Lacey, sued the zoning board to prevent the project from moving forward with that number of homesites, so Ryder is working on new plans to develop the 10+ acres; 1.8 acres of which he agreed to give to the town as open space along with the 4.61 acres (total 6.41 acres) on Tamburlane Road and $8,000 in cash for the town’s “beautification fund” to retire his alleged $104,000 tax debt, which has yet to pass muster with the town council.

Major Rumpswab was reported by the local press to be upset that he ordered the building department to issue stop work orders on Ryder’s properties because of the alleged delinquent taxes and that the building department failed to follow through. Perhaps they didn’t think the major was serious because of at least two scams the mayor was involved in where hizzoner blew right over the heads of the building department and its state-mandated permitting regulations.

Here are some interesting facts: Hedshot, my name for “hizzonor” because he likes  seeing his picture in the paper every day, along with his face on his “hit” TV show, “Ask the Hedshot” on WETC-8, purchased a property at 459 Commercial Street about six months after taking office in 2017. Being the slimeball that he is, he took out his own permit lying on the application using what’s known as the Homeowner Exemption to avoid paying a licensed contractor to oversee work on the property, which netted him $100,000 in profit when he flipped it a few months later while the unlicensed contractors were likely in jaw-dropping awe of His Greatness’s greatness.

Aided and abetted by Councilor Michael Molisse, who is a realtor, the two conspired on and contrived the deal to make a few quick bucks each, never mind that the town charter prohibits a mayor from extra-curricular profit-making activities during the time one serves in the office. The job of mayor is one that is 24/7/365 and the people are deserving of a mayor’s full attention to the town; not on his or her personal profit making while blowing off state permitting regulations in the process. The charter prohibition is to prevent a mayor from taking advantage of situations that are not available to regular citizens, but it doesn’t prevent a mayor from owning properties or businesses purchased before he or she became mayor, which should be placed in a trust. But then, he’s Bobby Hedshot and he’s very special if you weren’t aware.

Speaking of formerly-owned properties purchased before he was sworn in, Hedshot owned a slum apartment on Lake Street (yes Virginia, he was a slumlord and I have the pictures) that was rented to a disabled woman and her daughter.  He started early eviction proceedings so that he could off the apartment to make another $100 grand. There he used the same crew from Hingham and didn’t pull any permit at all: building, plumbing or electrical. He had already used his one free pass on the Commercial Street property so he decided to bootleg the Lake Street job all together, after all, who would complain, the building inspector who owes his job to His Awesome Greatness?

Now His Greatness is all over the inspector for not issuing the stop work order on someone who may have resorted to what His Greatness had done himself. Does anyone sense a double standard coming from our usually slovenly dressed “Mayor Rumpswab”?

His Royal Rumpswab recently cajoled me to appear on his TV show to try to belittle me and all I can say is that he proved himself to be a major (root of the word mayor), as in Major Rumpswab.

Look for more to follow soon, within mere days…